CAPEレクチャー(Prof. Phenpinant)のお知らせ


Date: Tuesday, 31st July, 2018
Time: 14:45-16:15
Venue: Meeting room on the 1st floor of Faculty of Letters main building, Kyoto University (No.8 of this map
Speaker: Asst. Prof. Kasem Phenpinant (Chulalongkom University)
Title: Hospitality as the Acceptance of the Others: Recasting the Ethics of Deconstruction

Jacques Derrida provides a novel notion of hospitality as an ethics of deconstruction. This emerges from his textual reading of Emmanuel Lévinas’ works. For Derrida, hospitality consists of the acceptance of the other, while addressing the hospitable welcome. It is a necessary relation to the other with an absolute hospitality as the obligation to welcome the other without conditions. Although this absolute hospitality is unconditional, but hospitality must be conditioned by a responsible response to all condition upon it. This makes the ethics of hospitality possible, when it entails the acceptance of the other.