イリノイ州立大学名誉教授Mark Siderits先生をお招きして講演会を開催いたしますので、どうぞお越しください。事前登録などは不要です。
日時:5月16日(水) 18:00-19:30
場所:京都大学文学部本館1階会議室(https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/main-campus-map.html のNo.8の建物)
タイトル:Vagueness and Emptiness
アブストラクト:Buddhists agree that the ordinary objects of our folk ontology are empty or devoid of intrinsic nature, and so not strictly speaking real. One possible way of supporting this claim is by appealing to phenomena connected to vagueness, such as sorites difficulties. I explore several different approaches to solving sorites difficulties, and propose an epistemic approach as the best way to support Buddhist ontological scruples.