What’s So Bad about Dialetheism? From Historical, Logical and Philosophical Points of View
会場:京都大学楽友会館1階会議室(No.96 of this map)
09:30–09:45 Opening of the conference
09:45–10:00 Anna Malavisi (Western Connecticut State University) “Beyond the limits of dialetheism”
10:00–11:30 Zach Weber (University of Otago) ”Under the Routley Set”
11:30–12:30 Luis Estrada-González (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) “Dialetheists and other friends of contradictions”
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:00 Colin Caret (Yonsei University) ”Transconsistent Possibilities”
15:00–16:00 Roderic A Girle (University of Queensland)”Free logic and dialethic domains”
16:00–16:30 Coffee break
16:30–18:00 Heinrich Wansing (Ruhr University Bochum) ”One heresy and one orthodoxy. On dialetheism and the non-normativity of logic”
会場:京都大学芝蘭会館研修室1(Access information)
09:00–10:30 Ricki Bliss (Lehigh University) ”Reading Nagarjuna in New York”
10:30–11:30 Paolo Bonardi (University of Geneva)”Dialetheism and Rational Belief”
11:30–13:00 Lunch
13:00–14:00 Naoya Fujikawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University) ”Paraempty names and the strengthened paradox of ineffability“
14:00–15:00 Koji Tanaka (Australian National University) ”One or many?“
15:00–15:30 Coffee break
15:30–17:00 Achille Varzi (Columbia University) ”Boundary Contradictions“
会場:京都大学芝蘭会館研修室1(Access information)
09:30–11:00 Denis McManus (University of Southampton) “Heidegger, dialetheism and all that is: On paradoxes, and questions, of being”
11:00–12:00 Francesco Gandellini (University of Turin) ”Heidegger’s Metaphysics between Consistencies and Inconsistencies”
12:00–13:45 Lunch
13:45–15:15 Ed Witherspoon (Colgate University) “Later Wittgenstein on the Determinacy of Meaning and the Unity of Thought”
15:15–15:30 Coffee break
15:30–17:00 Graham Priest (CUNY) ”A Logue“