ワークショップのお知らせ(6月19, 20日)


Title: Kyoto Workshop on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency II
Date: June 19, 20, 2017
Place: Large conference room in the basement, Faculty of Letters Main Building, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University. (Building number of this map)

Eduardo Barrio (University of Buenos Aires & CONICET)
Yosuke Fukuda (Kyoto University)
Ryosuke Igarashi (Kyoto University)
Ryo Ito (University of St. Andrews & Kyoto University)
Takuro Onishi (Kyoto University)
Graham Priest (City University of New York)
Damian Szmuc (University of Buenos Aires & CONICET)
Wen-fang Wang (Yang-Ming University)
Timo Weiss (University of Bonn)
Shunsuke Yatabe (Kyoto University)

June 19:

11:00–12:30 Eduardo Barrio “What is a Paraconsistent Logic?”
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:00 Damian Szmuc “On all Weak Kleene generalizations of Classical Logic”
15:00–16:00 Takuro Onishi “Routley’s American plan revisited”
16:00–16:15 Coffee break
16:15–17:15 Yosuke Fukuda “On a computational interpretation of Rumfitt’s bilateral natural deduction”
17:15–18:45 Shunsuke Yatabe “Deflationism, logical notion of truth and proof theoretic semantics”
19:00– Dinner

June 20:
11:00–12:30 Wen-fang Wang “Three-Valued Semantic Pluralism: A Defense of A Three-Valued Solution to the Sorites Paradox”
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:00 Ryosuke Igarashi “Kant’s Transcendental Logic and Antinomies of Pure Reason”
15:00–16:00 Ryo Ito “Classes, Fusions and Russell’s Theories of Classes (up to Principia Mathematica)”
16:00–16:15 Coffee break
16:15–17:15 Timo Weiss “Logic, Probability, Belief”
17:15–18:45 Graham Priest “Logical Theory-Choice: the Case of Vacuous Counterfactuals”
19:00– Dinner

Kyoto Philosophical Logic Workshop II is supported by Japan Society of the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through grant 16H03344
