

講師: 大西琢朗先生
日時: 2020年3月21日(土)13:00-18:00、22日(日)13:00-18:00
場所: 京都大学文学部第8講義室(map34番の建物 地下1階。3/14,15に行われる「論理学上級I」と場所が異なるため注意)

連絡担当:大西琢朗 takuro.onishi⭐︎⭐︎→@)


1. 様相論理のモデルと証明
2. 極大無矛盾集合
3. カノニカル・モデル

1. 理論(とくにprime theory)
2. 応用:直観主義論理
3. 応用:関連性論理

・小野寛晰 (1994)『情報科学における論理』第4章.
・G. Restall (2000) Introduction to Substructural Logics, Ch.11.


講師: 矢田部俊介先生
日時: 「論理学上級I」2020年3月14日(土)10:30-17:00、15日(日)10:30-17:00
場所: 京都大学文学部第6講義室(map8番の建物 2階)

連絡担当:大西琢朗 takuro.onishi⭐︎⭐︎→@)


CAPE共催ワークショップ「Asian Analytic Philosophy and Contemporary Issues on Time」

場所:京都大学人社未来形発信ユニットセミナー室(map 7番の建物4階)

・Akiko Frischhut (Akita International University)
・Giuliano Torrengo (University of Milan and Autónoma University Barcelona)
・Shinya Moriyama (Sinsyu University)
・Takeshi Sakon (Osaka City University)
・Yasuo Deguchi (Kyoto University)

主催:Colloquium for Philosophy of Time

CAPE共催ワークショップ「Kyoto-Shandong Joint Workshop on Asian Humanities」

日時:12月12日(木) 13:00-17:50

13:00 〜 13:05 Opening Remark: Prof. Yasuo Deguchi (Vice Provost, Director of the Unit of Kyoto Initiatives for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Kyoto University)

13:05 〜 13: 45 Prof. Senlin Liu (The Dean of School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
上帝之死的四個後果:以陀斯妥夫斯基質詢尼采 (in Chinese)
Commentator: Prof. Chin Ping Liao (Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University) (in Chinese)

13:45 〜 14: 25 Prof. Tongli WU (Associate Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
論人工智能的主體資格 (in English)
Commentator: Prof. Jun Otsuka (Associate Professor of philosophy, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in English)

14:25 〜 14:35 Break

14:35 〜 15:15 Prof. Yuanyuan HU (Assistant Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
中國”東北型”農村跨國婚姻的誕生 (in Japanese)
Commentator: Prof. Wako Asato (Associate Professor of Sociology, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in Japanese)

15:15 〜 15:55 Prof. Jianke NIU (Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
互鉴视域下的日本神佛关系 (in Chinese)
Commentator: Prof. Roman Pasca (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in Japanese)

15:55 〜 16:05 Break
16:05 〜 16:10 Group Photo

16:10 〜 16:50 Prof. Chinghui Su (Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
On the Justification of Counterfactuals (in English)
Commentator: Prof. Takuro Onishi (Associate Professor, the Unit of Kyoto Initiatives for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Kyoto University) (in English)

16:50〜 17: 30 Prof. Jian CHEN (The Vice-dean of School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
中國佛學對佛性與般若關係的協調:以禪宗與天台宗為例 (in Chinese)
Commentator: Dr. Chiyen Liu (Postdoctoral Fellow, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in Chinese)

17:30 〜 17:55 Free discussions Chaired by Prof. Masayuki Sato (Visiting Scholar, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) and Prof. Okpyo Moon (Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)

17:55 〜 18:00 Closing Remark: Prof. Senlin Liu (The Dean of School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)



日時 12月1日(日)13時30分~17時30分
場所 京都大学吉田キャンパス法経済学部東館8階リフレッシュルーム

ご挨拶 出口康夫様(京都大学文学研究科)
報告 Indrek Ibrus様 (タリン工科大学)
コメント1 湯淺墾道様(情報セキュリティ大学院大学)(電子政府・投票について)
コメント2 西正典様(ニッセイ)(サイバー・セキュリティについて)
司会 南和志様(大阪大学公共政策大学院)

CAPE Lecture by Prof. Tõnu Viik

講演者: Prof. Tõnu Viik (Tallinn University, Estonia)
日時: 2019年10月29日(火) 18:15-19:45
場所: 京都大学文学部一階会議室

Falling in love with an artificial companion: a phenomenological study

According to transhumanist visions (David Levy et al.) it will soon be possible to build robots that mimic human beings in their visual appearance, kinesthetic and gesturing skills. Using different kinds of sensors, they will be able to monitor and process human states of mind, i.e., they will possess skills that would be called emotional intelligence or empathy in case of humans. And they will able to modify and attune their behavior according to their human partners’ states of mind, and carry out oral communication – similarly to how two human partners would do it.

As human partners learn to know each other over time, they will possess a lot of information about their partner’s t behavioral patterns, psychological traits, mental and physical habits, tastes, aesthetic and political preferences, etc. Thus in order to perform as if they were humans the robots would need to become “digital twins” of the human companions that they mimicking. This task would include storing and analyzing masses of data about their human partner, including information about their partner’s health status, consumerist preferences, and political views.

Assuming that it will be technically possible to build such synthetic androids, what are the implications of their presence for human beings? Would it be possible to form romantic relationships with such beings? How would humans experience the otherness of the robotic companion? The talk will address these questions from the point of view of (post-)phenomenology, i.e., from the point of view of human experience of technological alterities. Phenomenological analysis of love experience suggests that romantic feelings include experiencing the alterity of the partner as an affective subjectivity that freely, willingly, and passionately commits to its partner. In other words, the romantic commitment is expected to stem from the sentient inner selves of the lovers, which is one of the features that robots are lacking. Thus the artificial alterity might disengage our romantic aspirations, and, as argued by many, will make them inferior to intraspecies love affairs. The analysis given in the talk will restrain from ethical considerations, however, and will focus on whether synthetic androids can in principle elicit human feelings of love.


日時:10月1日(火) 17:00-19:00

17:00- 田中智之教授(京都薬科大学)「国内のミスコンダクト事例とその背景」
17:45- Prof. Tracey Bretag (University of South Australia) “The principles of responsible conduct of research”(逐次翻訳)
18:30- 質疑応答


共催:京都薬科大学、京都大学文学研究科 応用哲学・倫理学教育研究センター(CAPE)、公正研究推進協会(APRIN)

CAPE Lecture by Prof. Rossella Lupacchini

講演者: Prof. Rossella Lupacchini (University of Bologna)
日時: 2019年9月4日(水) 16:30-18:00
場所: 京都大学文学部第十演習室

講演者: Prof. Rossella Lupacchini (University of Bologna)

On Quantum Computing and Its Philosophical Implications

In the search for a precise definition of the notion of effective calculability, Turing’s conceptual analysis brings about an intimate and inescapable link between computability and “measurability”, hence between mechanical procedures and physical processes. The full significance of this link is captured in quantum computability and made explicit by Deutsch’s physical version of the Church-Turing thesis, according to which every physical system can be simulated by a universal quantum Turing machine. How can a physical theory help us understand a logical notion? How do logical principles and physical processes coalesce into the notion of computation? To what extent can quantum theory of computation be traced to Leibniz’s original idea of a universal characteristic?

生命倫理ワークショップ 2019

日時:9月5日(木) 14:00-18:10、6日(金)10:00-16:30
場所:京都大学iPS 細胞研究所 第1研究棟 講堂
申し込み:京都大学 iPS細胞研究所 上廣倫理研究部門のウェブページよりお申し込みください。(締め切り:2019年8月9日)


共催:公益財団法人 上廣倫理財団

CAPE Lecture by Dr. Dirk Kindermann and Dr. Thomas Pölzle

講演者: Dr. Dirk Kindermann (Universität Wien) and Dr. Thomas Pölzler (University of Gratz)
日時: 2019年9月6日(金) 15:00-18:00
場所: 京都大学文学部地下小会議室

講演者: Dr. Dirk Kindermann (Universität Wien)

Belief and Questions

Many views of belief make strong idealising assumptions regarding the rationality of believers. One aspect of the resulting problems is known as the problem of logical omniscience: it is presupposed that believers’ overall states of belief – e.g. in graded accounts of belief in formal epistemology, in utility and decision theory, and in possible worlds accounts of belief – are logically consistent and closed under entailment. Fragmentation/compartmentalisation (as defended by Lewis, Cherniak, Stalnaker and more recently, by Egan, Elga & Rayo, Yalcin, Onofri, Borgoni, Kindermann) propose to think of a believer’s overall belief state as simultaneously comprised of different “fragments” of beliefs, each of which is consistent and closed under entailment, but which stand only in loose logical connections. In this talk, I present my version of fragmentation (which is close to Yalcin’s 2016 version). I argue that understanding conversational dynamics and the dependency of linguistic content on questions sheds light on the idea of belief as a fragmented mental state and allows for a formal model of fragmentation that lends more precision to the idea of mental fragmentation.

講演者: Dr. Thomas Pölzler (University of Gratz)

Moral Progress, Knowledge, and Error: What are the Folk’s Implicit Commitments about Moral Objectivity?

According to several philosophers, lay persons are implicitly committed to the view that morality is objective (i.e., independent from what we ourselves or anybody else think about it). This commitment has been claimed to manifest itself in various ways. Among others, it has been suggested that lay persons believe in moral progress, the possibility of moral knowledge, and the possibility of moral errors. In a series of psychological studies my co-authors Lieuwe Zijlstra, Jacob Dijkstra and I are currently putting these hypotheses to the test. My presentation will explain our studies’ motivation, their methodology, their results, and their implications for the philosophical debate about moral objectivity.